Sunday, September 28, 2014


Weapons Advances

     War is not new for us. It had happened before. We have seen the results are getting worst as our technology advances. Albert Einstein said “I know not what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” This means that World War III will force us to revolutionize until a point all technology left will be stick and stones.

     It is scary how weapons are developing in an amazing rate. For example, nuclear bombs which have been tested a lot. Hopefully, it won’t turn the aim back to us; because, if it does, it will have an enormous impact that will affect negatively centuries of development.  It does not make sense to progress so much for then later destroy all of it. However, it’s inevitable to not progress, because if we don’t we will loss in this world of competition.

    Nuclear Weapons: A Complete Visual History

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Death Is Not the End

     Death is inevitable. At some point we will die. What can we do cheat it? Chuck Palahniuk said, ‘’We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” Creating something that will live after we die it’s not easy, but it will be worth to do so. Been able to leave behind a mark in time of who we were and knowing our life to live in it is insignificant, it’s awesome.

     The world we live won’t know we existed if we didn’t anything that was big enough to remain in someone’s memory. Existence is that cruel. Many of us look for it, since that proves somehow that we are alive, that we exist. For example, Miguel de Unamuno desired to live forever and he did it with his literature. In other words, we shall do something that people will remember us for, because at the end, that’s all that it will be left of us. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014


    Happiness in Relationships

     Most of the series I had watched it shows love only as happiness. I believe it is, but to be honest, is not always like that. Happiness it’s a reaction, which eventually will fade. On other words, it will not be always present. Achieving it as a frequently rate can be done by knowing what is causing unhappiness in the relationship.

     The non-presence of unhappiness in a relationship is happiness. Therefore, both most exist somehow. For example, light can’t exist without the darkness or vice versa. Embracing the idea that happiness is the only outcome of it, it will lead to a short lasting relationship. I learned that knowing more about each other helps to prevent suffering. This is why communication in a relationship it’s so important to achieve happiness in it.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


The Beginning of the Road

     Hi, my name is Kevin J. Rosario Rivera and I am nineteen years old. Also, I am a student of the University of Puerto Rico, Cayey. In this blog I am going to be talking about various themes, such as happiness, death, war, among others. I will be posting every week taking them one by one from now on until I finish all of them. I will be starting next week with happiness and so on with the others, which I am hoping my perspective of such themes can influence someone for better.