Sunday, November 23, 2014


The End of the Road

     This blog has been my first. Therefore, I learned a bit of how to do one. Also was a great tool to look at myself. There is sometimes no time to think about the topics I talked about. Perhaps, also they are not something that I would be thinking of. For example, I did not even though before who was my favorite celebrity or what I thought about education.  However, now I can say that is Kevin McAllister and education make us a better thinker.

     I hope my perspective of such themes, as I mentioned in the introduction, can help someone for better. Maybe use it as a base to create a different judgment. Also, this kind of activity is helpful to develop ourselves by looking for information and thinking about different topics. However, in my case, it was also helpful to develop myself in my secondary language. Anyway, this is all and I hope once again those who read this far did not leave empty handed.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The World

World Peace through Love
     I have not seen the world. The only little piece I have seen is where I live and another island next to it. However, these two places there still more I have not seen. On the other hand, I have chatted with some people from different part of the world. I know is not everyone, but every single one has affection for another person or thing.
     Love is strong and that’s great, but it can be bad. Mahatma Gandhi said, “The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.” In other words, peace can’t prevail if the hunger for power is stronger than love for each other. Corruption for this need to control something is what triggers wars, fights, among others. I agree with Gandhi, I have felt love and when it is real and not something else, it can overcome anything.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


The Education as a Tool to Live
     We learn everyday something either the easy way or the hard way. I love the hard way, because is the one that prevails the most. Also, school teach us how to think. With this we can solve many problems as if it was a tool meant for that. However, if we don’t have such tool our life will be stuck.

    I was told many times, when I was young, that education was needed for a future, a career. On the other hand, I was never told it also makes ourselves become a better thinker. In other words, is able to awake on us that spark that make us able to think through the problems of our life more deeply. Like John Adams said “There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.” In conclusion, if education is important to live it also as well, to love.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Favorite Science-Fiction Movies This Year

     I love to watch science-fiction movies. This year the movie “Lucy” was amazing. This sci-fi movie is about a woman that unlocks 100 percent of her mental capacity. Therefore, as she is reaching that point new abilities are shown. For example, telekinesis, mental time travel, among others.
     The powers are cool, but what she does with them is even more amazing and shocking. With these powers she was able to answer the purpose of humanity. In other words, the reason that life was given to us. Therefore, we can do what was meant to be done and finally have an overall purpose in life. I know the movie it’s a product of imagination; however, it’s pretty amazing to create a fiction, which for a second made me thought it could be possible one day by the evolution of the human race.